"The Apostles Creed: I Believe!"
Psalm 138: 1-5
Romans 1: 1-7; 16
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February 9th Sermon title by Pastor Donald P Troast was "The Apostles Creed: I Believe." Nancy Lanier, our Music Director, pictured playing the Choral Anthem: "In Christ Alone." Norman Cole continues as our Lay Leader for the month. The flowers were provided by Cal and Connie Ray, in celebration of their upcoming 70th wedding anniversary.
Presbyterian Children's Home of the Highlands is our Mission cause this month.
If you are interested in attending our weekly church service, we begin at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. You are welcome to attend.
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Doug Kingsbury was delivering our non-perishable food items to FISH last month. Congrats, as he made it into their Newsletter. Pictured. Thanks Doug and Arleen!
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